MegaTech offers flexibility to adapt to your brand identity. This section explains how to modify styles, classes, and components to match your brand.



In Webflow, styles control how your website looks. This includes things like colors, fonts, sizes, and spacing. You can apply styles directly to elements or use classes. In MegaTech, we use Webflow's variables feature to manage styles better.

Understanding variables

Variables act as a central control panel for your site's visual elements, allowing you to make sweeping changes with just a few clicks. MegaTech uses this powerful feature to control basic styles, colors, and typography across your entire site.

When you update a variable, every instance where that variable is used throughout your site will automatically be updated. For example, changing the 'Main Font' variable will update this font everywhere it's used - from headings and paragraphs to links and subtitles - across all pages of your site.



Benefits of using variables:

  1. Consistency: Ensure uniform styling across your entire site.
  2. Efficiency: Save time by avoiding manual adjustments.
  3. Flexibility: Easily experiment with different design options.

For more information on Webflow variables, refer to the Webflow documentation.

Accessing and modifying variables

  1. Click on the 'Variables' tab in the left sidebar or press the shortcut 'V'. You'll see a list of existing variables.