The MegaTech Webflow template includes a Lever integration, allowing you to display and filter job listings on your website seamlessly. Lever, a leading Applicant Tracking System (ATS), helps businesses streamline hiring processes. This walkthrough will guide you through setting up and customizing the integration.


Benefits of Lever integration

Implementing the Lever Jobs integration offers several advantages for your Webflow site:

  1. Seamless job listings: Automatically sync and display job postings from your Lever account on your website.
  2. Easy customization: Customize the look and feel of the job listings to match your website's design.
  3. Powerful filtering: Enable users to filter job listings by location, department, team, and work type.
  4. Real-time updates: Any changes made in your Lever account are instantly reflected on your website.
  5. Improved user experience: Provide a smooth and intuitive job search experience for your website visitors.
  6. Time-saving: Eliminate the need to manually update job listings on your website, saving time and effort.

Lever account configuration

To set up the Lever Jobs integration, you need to configure your Lever account name in the provided script:

  1. Go to the page settings in Webflow.

  2. Navigate to the 'Custom Code' section.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    	/* Replace "Leverdemo" with your Lever account name */
      window.leverJobsOptions = { accountName: "**Leverdemo**", includeCss: false };
    <script src="<>"></script>
  3. Look in the 'Before </body> tag' field for:

  4. Replace 'Leverdemo' with your actual Lever account name.