The MegaTech template includes a built-in custom popup modal system with advanced triggering options. This feature allows you to create engaging and customizable popups that appear based on specific user actions or behaviors, such as exit-intent, post-visit delay, or element clicks. This walkthrough will guide you through implementing and customizing these enhanced popup modals in your Webflow project, enabling you to create more targeted and engaging user experiences.


Benefits of custom popup triggers

Implementing custom popup triggers offers several advantages for your Webflow site:

  1. Advanced triggering options: Utilize custom triggers like exit-intent, post-visit delay, and element click to control popup behavior, going beyond Webflow's native capabilities.
  2. Improved user targeting: Display popups at strategic moments in the user journey, such as when a user is about to leave the page or after they've spent a certain amount of time on the site.
  3. Increased engagement: Grab users' attention and encourage them to interact with your content or take desired actions by presenting relevant popups at the right time.
  4. Customizable design: Tailor the popup design to match your website's branding and aesthetic using Webflow's visual design tools.
  5. Easy integration: Leverage the pre-built popup code and structure in your MegaTech template for seamless implementation without the need for extensive custom coding.
  6. Animation customization: Customize the popup animation using JavaScript and CSS transitions to create engaging and eye-catching effects.

By leveraging the custom popup modal functionality in your MegaTech template, you can create more dynamic and targeted user experiences that go beyond Webflow's native popup capabilities.

Locating the popup modal code

The Popup Modal code is already included in your MegaTech template. You can find it in the Popups page settings:

  1. Go to the Pages panel.
  2. Locate and select the 'Popups' page.