The MegaTech template integrates Finsweet's CMS Real-Time Filters for dynamic blog post filtering. Finsweet develops attribute-based tools for Webflow, extending its native capabilities without complex custom code. This walkthrough demonstrates how this feature is implemented in the template.

Benefits of Finsweet CMS real-time filters

Implementing Finsweet's CMS Real Time Filters offers several advantages for your Webflow site:

  1. Enhanced user experience: Visitors can quickly find relevant content without page reloads, leading to smoother navigation and increased engagement.
  2. Improved performance: These filters work client-side, reducing server load and providing faster response times compared to traditional server-side filtering methods.
  3. SEO-friendly: The filtered content remains indexable by search engines, potentially improving your site's SEO performance.
  4. Customizable: Easily adaptable to fit your site's design and specific filtering needs.
  5. No-code solution: Implement advanced filtering functionality without writing complex JavaScript, making it accessible for designers and content managers.

Finsweet script

The required Finsweet script is already added to the blog page's custom code section. You can find it by:

  1. Going to the blog page settings in Webflow
  2. Navigating to the 'Custom Code' section
  3. Looking in the 'Before </head> tag' field for:

<!-- [Attributes by Finsweet] CMS Filter -->
<script async src="<>"></script>