Backups are copies of your website's content and design at specific times. They act as a safety net, allowing you to restore your site to a previous state if something goes wrong or if you need to undo changes.

Webflow automatically creates backups of your site, allowing you to restore to a previous version if needed. This feature provides peace of mind and lets you experiment freely with your MegaTech design without fear of permanent mistakes.

Managing and using Webflow backups:

  1. Access the Backups panel:


  1. View your backup history:


  1. Create a manual backup:


  1. Restore a backup:


<aside> 🚨 Important

Restoring a backup will overwrite your current site version. Create a manual backup of your current version before restoring an older one if you want to preserve recent changes.


For more detailed information on Webflow's backup system, refer to the Webflow documentation.